Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Prom 2012!

Prom is over!
Had a blast dancing on the dance floor with my lovely cousins and friends on prom last Sunday night which was held in Rose Garden, Magellen, Sutera. Although those songs wasn't as perfect as last year's prom. Also the room wasn't looking crowded as last year's and students wasn't actually dancing like those students from last year's but it was bla bla bla okay.

But honestly, those decorations wasn't as lame as last year's though... at least. Because it was better!
I cannot believe the dance floor just literally crack. Is it because of dancing while jumping like monkeys orrrrrrr.......... its just how bad those quality are

lol kiss kiss good night.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Have you seen my other blog?

My other blog is all about me just like this blog but except its more open and nicer maybe? Haha..
But this Blog is more secretive than the other blog. doiii dugoo

Two blogs?

Having two blogs in different email are just so annoying and confusing. I mean , i should've stick with one email.... OR ONE BLOG! i wonder if i can change my email address on the other blog :/ hmm?


I have a confession to make!
Honestly, kinda think of it, I don't even like my school anymore. I mean, I used to have that great feeling going to school. That great excitement deep down in me. Its just that, now that it's fading away... I don't feel that feeling that I used to have anymore. No more excitement in me. The fading of excitement started last year. When everything seems so very different and lonely. Nothing actually happen in school. Its like its less activity. People kept on moving out from this school of mine. This year, the highest amount of student in a class is our seniors which are the form fives and we only have 2 class for form fives. ISN'T THAT JUST SO SAD? I'm sure next year will be lesser than this year cause the form fives wont be around anymore.

Honestly, I feel like moving out too. I'm sure most teacher moves out too with some reason. I mean the management are so greedy, stingy and EVERY little bad greedy thing that you an imagine. If you know the story of it, you'll hate them all. They're so mean to the teachers. They talk big! I mean where are those freaking promises that you made to us?! Its freaking annoying you know?!

So should I stay in my school? Or moving out? I really have no idea. It literally hurts me you know!


Sunday, October 7, 2012


So i'll be having my BIG-and-nerve-wrecking EXAMINATION tomorrow, all known as PMR. Studied almost every subject in just a month. I feel so regret to not study when i had the time to study! I should HAVE! Oh god. Just hopefully the exam papers are super easy and easily to freaking A's! Or just at least pass with flying colors... That satisfy me and family. And so as my teachers... Doh:/

I prepared everything for this upcoming examination, such as few pencils, pens, erasers, rulers, protractor, thread and pencil case. Most of them are actually new ones. I actually bought them the day before yesterday with my mom and siblings. Anyway, i also prepared some papers to refer before the exam paper starts.
Its good that they put two subject papers in a day and also put a very long recess just for us to study for the next ones. The recess took about 2-3 hours! Oh yeah! More time to revise abit maybe? Haha PRESSURES ON ME PEPOLS!

This is just so cool!

Get your own japanese names mannn! Haha arigato!

Buy the prom tickets?!

Anyone? Any...one? Haha

My one and only cutest little brother!

Zaeeeeeeeeem <3

Besties cousins!!

:) TDS was just so FUN

Pop goes the duck!

Sooo cutee